6. Dent Repairs and Paintless Dent Removal | Smart Finish

6. Dent Repairs and Paintless Dent Removal

Bumpers are our specialty! In most cases, YES we can fix it for you. In fact, we love fixing bumpers. Please note that sometimes the damage is so bad that we can’t fix it… or we may “give it a go” but won’t be able to guarantee 100%.

May 3, 2012

My bumper has a dent in it. Can you fix it?

Bumpers are our specialty! In most cases, YES we can fix it for you. In fact, we love fixing bumpers. Please note that sometimes the damage […]
May 3, 2012

My car has hail dents and car park dents. Can you fix it?

Smart Finish has partnered with a top Perth PDR ( paintless dent removal) technician for removing such dents. Sometimes our technician can remove dents without any […]
May 3, 2012

Can all dents be removed?

Yes and NO. Dent removal isn’t easy; there are many variables. If you have a dent on an edge (e.g. wheel arch, or door edge), it […]
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